OFFICE HIGUCHIでは、音楽プロデュース・作曲・編曲・実演・ミックス・録音・ 音響効果などの作業領域の垣根を越えた、フレキシブルかつシームレスな 「音」の制作を行なっております。
カテゴリもTVCM・Webムービー・ラジオCM・TV番組・CD & DVDなど、さまざまです。
In OFFICE HIGUCHI, we practice the production of flexible and seamless "sound" which is over the fences of every genre :
producing, composition, arrangement, performance, mixing, recording, sound effect, etc.
The categories are TV commercial, web movie, radio commercial, TV program, CD&DVD, etc.
We undertake various musical production.
To persons who want to make music, who need sound effect or effective sounds,
who have some troubles in recording.
Please consult us on everything about sound & music.